Booster compressor stations of fuel gas for turbines

One of the main types of equipment in the range of equipment supplied by the ENERGAS Group is booster compressor stations (BCS) of fuel gas.
These process units serve to compress and supply fuel to gas turbine and gas reciprocating units, which are the basis of modern power units - GTPP, GRPP, GTU-TPP, CCGT units -TPP. BCS of "ENERGAS" operate as part of upgraded and new facilities:
- large power plants;
- small power plants;
- autonomous power supply centers for industrial enterprises;
- test benches for gas turbines.
The capabilities of our equipment allow us to supply gas to units of a wide range of electrical power - from 1 to 200 MW. A distinctive feature of the BCS is the use of a flexible system for maintaining the design temperature of gas feeding.
For joint operation with turbines, a two-level system for regulating the capacity of BCS has been specially designed. The gas flow rate in the range 15 ... 100% of the nominal is controlled by the function of the slide control (1st level); in the range 0 ... 15% - bypass line (2nd level).
In view of the fact that generating facilities, as a rule, are located within the city, compressor stations are designed and manufactured taking into account stringent requirements for noise characteristics. BCS have a container version, placed inside an all-weather soundproof shelter equipped with life support and safety systems.
Units are fully automated and do not require additional manual tuning to debug the correct interaction of various equipment systems. Local ACSs are integrated into the automated process control system of upper level.
Booster compressor stations of fuel gas of ENERGAS operate in conjunction with power units of the leading domestic and world manufacturers: "UEC-Gas Turbines" and "UEC-Saturn", "UEC-Perm Motors" and "UEC-Aviadvigatel", Kazan and Ufa Engine Industrial Associations, "Nevsky Zavod", "Russian Gas Turbines", "Power Machines", Alstom, Turbomach, Centrax, Solar, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, Kawasaki, Wartsila, Siemens, General Electric.
Depending on the design requirements and the quality of source gas, the BCS can be supplied separately (for stand-alone operation) or combined with other process equipment into a comprehensive gas treatment and gas feeding system.
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- Fill out the questionnaire on the BCS
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- make a request for the supply of equipment;
- Request service support, upgrade or repair of equipment;
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