Preparation of equipment for start-up
ENERGAS supplies equipment with a high degree of prefabrication (after shop tests) and maximum integration of all assemblies and elements on a common frame, which significantly reduces the pre-start procedures period.
Particular attention is paid to the efficiency and safety of the works performance, the compactness of the units placement and their optimal compatibility with the coupled units at the site.
Preparation for commissioning consists of two main stages: construction and mounting, start-up and commissioning.
- loading and unloading operations;
- preparation of the operational site;
- mounting, alignment and fixing of equipment on the foundation;
- piping;
- power connection.
Depending on the terms of the contract, we will implement this stage on our own or supervise the implementation (erection supervision).
If necessary, by agreement with the customer, additional activities are carried out:
- inspection of conjugated gas pipelines;
- gas quality control with determination of component composition and calorific value.
At the complex construction of complex integrated gas treatment and gas feeding systems, we ensure the project's approval with Rostekhnadzor, obtaining permission to feed gas, erecting an in-site gas pipeline.
- adjustment work;
- own individual testing of equipment (8 or 24 hours);
- 72-hour functional check in course of integrated tests of the entire facility.
Gas treatment and compression units of ENERGAS are equipped with a two-level capacity control system. At the first level (in the range 0 ... 15%), the capacity is controlled by a bypass line, which ensures the operation of the units in the recirculation mode and zero gas flow rate during the commissioning period and own tests.
Before commissioning of the equipment, our specialists carry out training for the customer's representatives on the rules and norms of operation.
The accumulated universal practice (more than 200 units installed) and high qualification of the engineering and technical personnel of the ENERGAS Group provide complete and timely availability of equipment for reliable guaranteed operation.