The most important condition for reliable and efficient operation of process equipment is the combination of special (individual) design and modern high-quality production.
Designing and manufacturing is conducted according to ISO 9001 standards, according to the rules and regulations established in Russia. The equipment is developed here taking into account a number of important factors:
- application area;
- operation conditions;
- quality and composition of the source gas;
- type and characteristics of coupled units;
- specific design requirements.

The construction and reconstruction of electric power facilities and the oil and gas complex are based today on increased requirements for design. The art of designers is the highest professionalism; it is manifested in choosing the most effective option.
Even repetitive technical and process solutions are brought to perfection. The result of such a careful approach to the case, as a rule, lies in the absence of the customer serious remarks to the equipment during the prelaunch procedure and during operation.
When developing the project, we perform calculations in a special program that allows us to create a theoretical model of gas behavior for given parameters in terms of temperature, pressure, and component composition.
As a result, the customer is offered several algorithms for solving the tasks, from which the optimal variant is selected during the negotiation process - in terms of complexity, timing and cost of implementation.

The quality and efficiency of the equipment produced by the ENERGAS Group of Companies is based on a wide range of production advantages:
- skills of engineering personnel;
- manufacturing on special (individual) projects;
- reasonable selection and use of special materials, steel grades, components;
- various designs - hangar (workshop), container, on an open frame, arctic;
- maximum integration of all units and systems on a single frame;
- redundancy of elements;
- preliminary testing of equipment;
- optimum prefabrication at delivery.