
Vacuum compressor stations

The group of companies ENERGAS has developed a unique experience, unparalleled in Russia, in the compression of low pressure associated gas. Special attention should be paid to the most complicated projects in the technical aspect - pumping heavy (fat) APG of extremely low pressure close to vacuum (from -0.05 MPa g).

To implement such projects, special units are used - vacuum compressor stations (VCS), designed and created on the basis of a set of agreed engineering solutions.

The operation of compressor units on heavy (wet) gas during compression is always accompanied by a risk of condensation within the system. Two problems arise: 1) the dissolution of a large amount of hydrocarbons in oil, leading to an increased saturation of oil with gas condensate, a reduction in the kinematic viscosity of oil, and an increase in the oil level in the oil tank; 2) the formation of condensate in the working cells of the compressor, which leads to an increase in the power consumption for external compression and power to compress one kilogram of gas.

The problem is solved by the following method:

  • There is carried out detailed analysis of gas component composition and calculations in a special program that creates a theoretical model of gas behavior under certain conditions (temperature and pressure). This makes it possible to determine such parameters for the expansion of the operating temperature range of oil and gas, which allow to exceed the dew point for the pumped gas;

  • In the VCS oil system, more viscous oil is used.

Compression of gas with a pressure close to vacuum leads to the following problems: 1) there is a large difference in the inlet and outlet pressure of the compressor unit, as a result of which gas pressure in the CU is discharged not only through the discharge flare, but also through the inlet pipeline. In this case, the oil is "entrained" from the oil system into the inlet filter scrubber; 2) under the impact of vacuum, air can enter the unit, which increases the explosion hazard of the technological process.

Solutions embodied in the vacuum compressor stations of «ENERGAS»:

  • VCS equipping with the system of upgraded high-speed valves with electromechanical drives and spring cutters, which allows you to cut the input pipeline from the main line;

  • VCS equipping with oxygen detection system with sensor of its content in a compressible gas.

More details - in the articles:

- "Features of compression of low-pressure high-density associated gas with screw oil-filled compressors"

- "Associated gas of the last separation stages. Compression of low-pressure APG"

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  • additional information from ENERGAS specialists;
  • professional advice on issues of interest.

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  • make a request for the supply of equipment;
  • Request service support, upgrade or repair of equipment;
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  • Submit your review and suggestions.

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