New generating equipment has been commissioned at Minsk CHPP-3
20 January 2023
As part of the reconstruction of power plant, the modern steam turbine and power boiler have been installed and commissioned here.The Minsk CHPP-3 (branch of RUE Minskenergo) provides about 25% of the energy demand of the capital of Belarus. Among the consumers are large industrial enterprises of republican significance: the Automobile Plant, the Tractor Plant, the Bearing Plant, the Mechanical Plant, the Plant of Automatic Lines and others.
At the power plant, a planned reconstruction with the replacement of retired capacities of 14 MPa line has been completed. The EPC contractor of project is Belenergostroy, a full-range new equipment supplier is JSC Ural Turbine Works (UTW, part of industrial holding Rotek).
As part of the reconstruction, a modern steam turbo unit Tp-115/130-12.8, created to substitute the most widespread mass-produced T-100 turbine from UTW, has been commissioned. Cylinders, their bearings, rotors, steam distribution units and the blade row were completely redesigned in him. Compared to the dismantled T-100, the new turbo unit from UTW has increased performance, improved technical and economic benchmarks. The replacement of the turbine increased the electric capacity of MCHPP-3 by 15 MW.
Thanks to the integration of the E-500-13.8-560 power boiler, the boiler division of CHPP has been enlarged. The new 500 t / h boiler has improved environmental friendliness, productivity, and reliability performance.
In 2021, at Minsk CHPP-3 there was upgraded process equipment of the CCGT-230 combined cycle power plant, which generates 50% of the plant's electrical capacity. Russian company ENERGAS has enlarged here the gas treatment system and improved the fuel feeding scheme for CCGT due supply and commissioning an additional fuel gas compressor station and a two-tier automated control and regulation system. This increased the reliability of the highly efficient combined-cycle plant and ensures its uninterrupted operation in all modes and under any climatic conditions.

In the power grid of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk CHPP-3 has been operating since 1951. Station is a part of unified complex for the generation, transmission and distribution of thermal and electric energy. MCHPP-3 has a complex thermal scheme, equipment with different steam parameters and cross-links. Before reconstruction, its installed capacity was 442 MW for electricity and 1,632 Gcal / h for heat.
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