The gas turbine unit GTU-30 at Livny CHPP – 10 year of efficient operation
1 February 2023
The milestone event in the history of the Livny CHPP was the launch in February 1, 2013 of a new cogeneration power unit.The power unit with a capacity of 30 MW was built on power plant reconstruction project – as a part of the large-scale investment program of PJSC Quadra for the renewal of generating equipment.
Electricity is generated by gas turbine unit (GTU) based on a GE Energy turbine of LM2500+G4 DLE type and a Brush generator. Turbine is equipped with combustion chamber with a system for dry suppression of emissions (DLE technology), what minimizes the entry of harmful substances into the atmosphere – nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO).
GTU is conjugated with a KUP-55-3.9-440 waste-heat boiler (Energomash Plant, Belgorod), which, due to the heat of the turbine exhaust gases, produces high-potential process steam.
As a result, the cogeneration cycle provides combined energy production, high efficiency of gas fuel use, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness of the facility.
The power unit is located in the city boundaries and fully complies with the established requirements for the level of environmental pollution and noise impact.
The supply of the GTU-30 with fuel with the specified design parameters in terms of purity (content of impurities does not exceed 2 ppmw), temperature (+60°C), pressure (3.7 MPa) and flow rate (10,000 m3 / h) is carried out by the ENERGAS gas compressor station.

Livny CHPP is the most important life support facility in the city of Livny, the second largest in the Orel Region. At present, the electric capacity of the station is 36 MW, the thermal capacity is 221.7 Gcal / h.
Among the priorities of the ENERGAS Group are production, comprehensive commissioning and maintenance of gas treatment and compression units for generating facilities in the electric power industry, oil and gas complex and industrial enterprises. The ENERGAS process equipment today provides high-quality fuel for 230 gas turbines and gas-reciprocating units with a total capacity of over 6.7 GW.
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