ENERGAS equips combined-cycle power units of Minsk CHPP-2 with a unique gas compressor station
16 May 2023
This station is being commissioned as part of the upgrade of the fuel gas treatment system for Siemens SGT-600 turbines.Since 2011, a combined cycle gas turbine unit with an electric capacity of 65 MW and a thermal capacity of 52 Gcal / h has been operating as part of Minsk CHPP-2 (RUE Minskenergo). CCGT-65 comprises two power generating units, each of which consists of a Siemens SGT-600 gas turbine, a waste-heat boiler and a steam turbine. The main fuel is natural gas.
The power generating units are supplied with fuel by a gas treatment system based on a booster compressor station (BCS) of three reciprocating units 2D32-58.5/12-24.5 manufactured by SJCM (Sichuan Jinxing Compressor Manufacturing).
ENERGAS Group is upgrading this system by commissioning another one BCS which based on a screw oil-filled compressor. The capacity of the new station (16,400 m3 / h) will be 100% of the maximum fuel consumption for two SGT-600 gas turbines, which will guarantee complete backup of SJCM reciprocating compressors. BCS will provide design gas values in terms of delivery pressure (2.481…2.581 MPa) and temperature (up to +50°C).
A feature of the project is the stringent requirements for noise insulation of equipment by reason of location of Minsk CHPP-2 in the central part of the city. Possessing unique characteristics in terms of sound pressure, the ENERGAS compressor station ensures the fulfillment of these requirements due to the use of special materials in the enclosure design, the use of low-speed electric motors and fencing of air cooler.

Another of the features is the increased requirements for the purity of gas fuel, what led to the strengthening of the filtration system in the BCS. The inlet line of unit is equipped with a protective strainer. In addition to the oil-gas filter-separator of the 1st stage of purification and the coalescing filter of the 2nd stage, standard located on the delivery line, the additional (safety) filter for fine purification of gas is also built into block-module. The multistage cascade scheme ensures a content of impurities in the gas within 0.5 ppmw (mg / kg) for oil and not more than 5 ppmw for solid particles. To control the quality of the gas, an oil aerosols content analyzer will be installed at the exhaust manifold of the compressor station.
The oil system of BCS uses ester synthetic oil of the new generation ESTSYN, which is specially created for compressor units of screw type. The oil of ESTSYN CE100 brand ensures efficient operation, increases reliability and equipment life.
For monitoring, control and safety of process procedures of the new BCS, a two-level automated control and regulation system (ACRS), which is integrated with APCS of the CHPP-2, is responsible. The first level, the compartment of local ACS, is housed inside the unit and separated from the machine room by a gas-tight fire-resistant partition. The second level, a remote control (operator workstation, WKS), will be localized in the control room of the facility.
The main components of the local ACS have redundancy, that guarantees the continuity of control. If the voltage is lost, the in-house power supply supports the autonomous operation of the software and hardware complex for at least 6 hours.
The ACRS made based on microprocessor technology, using modern software, switching equipment, channels and protocols of communication. Control from the dispatch room of the CCGT will be carried out in full, similar to the control "in site".
At present, the compressor station is being mounted at the operational site. The installation, alignment and fixing of the BCS on the foundation, assembling of large units, piping arrangement, electrical power connection, add-on of air cooling devices are being performed.

Upgrade of the gas treatment system will increase the reliability of CCGT-65 fuel supply and ensure uninterrupted operation of the combined-cycle power generating units at all modes and under any climatic conditions. All the works on commissioning the BCS and ACRS are carried out by the specialists of ServicENERGAS (part of the ENERGAS Group).
Built in 1934, Minsk CHPP-2 is one of the oldest heat and power plants in the Belarusian capital. It is the main source of energy supply to the central part of the city, including the residence of the President of the country, the Government House and the Minsk City Hall. For today, the installed electric capacity of the power plant is 94 MW, and the thermal capacity is 566 Gcal / h.
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