Remote monitoring system
A special place in the service activities of the ENERGAS Group is occupied by the remote monitoring system.
This system provides constant on-line monitoring of equipment and flow processes by specially designated and trained employees and experts of ServicENERGAS.
As a result, the basis for making timely organizational and engineering solutions is relevant and reliable data, their comprehensive analysis and correct interpretation.
Using the remote monitoring system allows:
- promptly notify the customer about the incorrect operation of individual assemblies and components or the unit as a whole;
- timely prevent emergency conditions and unplanned shutdowns;
- provide technical advice on adjusting equipment and setting up operational parameters;
- prepare and send professional advice on the replacement of spare parts and consumables;
- develop and offer the customer a reasonable plan for additional service activities.
The monitoring console is equipped with individually developed software, and information transfer from the operational site is carried out via modern communication channels and protocols.