Booster compressor station of Enerproject will provide fuel gas for gas turbine power units of the Grozny TPP being under construction
13 August 2018
The construction of a new thermal power plant is carried out on an area of more than 20 hectares in the territory of the former Grozny CHPP-3. The basis of the power units of the Grozny TPP will be two gas turbine units (GTU) Siemens SGT5-2000E with a capacity of 180 MW each. The installed electrical capacity of the plant is 360 MW.The operating organization is PJSC Wholesale Generation Company WGC-2. The project is being implemented by the Gazprom Energoholding Group within the framework of a system of capacity supply agreements (CSA). The Grozny TPP is the final CSA project of the Group’s companies.
The main and reserve fuel for turbines is natural gas. Continuous supply of fuel gas to the GTU will be provided by a booster compressor station (BCS) consisting of three Enerproject modular compressor units (CU) of the brand EGSI-S-610/2850WA (supplied by Sfera LLC).
The step-by-step commissioning of the BCS (erection supervision, start-up and adjustment works, own testing, comprehensive operability check as a part of the TPP, training of operating personnel) will be conducted by the leading engineers of the ENERGAS Group - the official representative and partner of the Swiss company Enerproject SA in Russia.

BCS is designed to treat and compress fuel gas according to the specifications of the manufacturer of turbines. The gas pressure at the CU inlet is 0.85 ... 1.2 MPa, at the outlet - 2.4 ... 2.5 MPa.
The capacity of each booster compressor (rated – 34,200 kg / h, maximum – 39,240 kg / h) is up to 100% of the maximum flow of gas fuel per turbine. Two operating units give in total the necessary gas flow to two gas turbine power units. In this case, the third compressor is ready to be switched on by ATS (automatic transfer switch).
Automated control systems are responsible for the monitoring, control and safe operation of compressor units. ACS are placed in separate containers located in the immediate vicinity of the block-modules with process equipment of CU. Local ACS is combined using the group control function and integrated into the APCS of the power plant.

As a result, the compressor station is capable of automatically maintaining the required parameters for pressure, flow and temperature of gas fuel at the inlet to the GTU control unit. In the event of failure of one of the two operating CUs, the remaining unit is maximally quick (no more than 3-5 seconds) gaining nominal capacity, and the standby unit for no more than 40 seconds ensures the necessary BCS capacity for the operation of power units without reducing the total load of GTU.
The Grozny TPP will fully provide the Chechen Republic with electricity. The launch of the power plant will make it possible to create a modern and reliable power grid in the region, reduce technological losses in the energy networks, reduce tariffs and increase the competitiveness of the products. It is planned that 350 people will be employed on the TPP.
The construction of TPP is entering its final stage. The first GTU is already being mounted at the facility. The second set of generating equipment (gas turbine and generator) was delivered to the construction site in early July. Gas turbine units will be commissioned by Siemens specialists.
REFERENCE. Gazprom Energoholding manages the Gazprom Group companies in the electric power industry and is the leader in the production of thermal and electric energy by thermal generation companies in Russia. The plants of Gazprom Energoholding generate about 1/6 of the total electricity of the Unified Energy System of Russia. The main production companies of Gazprom Energoholding are PJSC Mosenergo, PJSC TGC-1, PJSC WGC-2 and PJSC MOEK.
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