Contact details
Address: 105082, Moscow, B.Pochtovaya 55/59, bldg. 1
Mailing address: PO Box 136, Moscow, 105082
Tel .: +7 (495) 589-36-61
Fax: +7 (495) 589-36-60
Subway station Electrozavodskaya, then walk through the Electrozavodsky Bridge, then left under the railway bridge and straight ahead - along the street B.Postovaya to the house 55/59 bldg. 1. In total, it takes about 10 minutes, on the left hand there is a refueling facility of “GazpromNeft”, opposite the refueling - an office building with a porch of burgundy color. 3-rd floor, according to signs - to the office of ENERGAS.
Ul.B. Pochtovaya, 55/59 bldg1. Landmark - the building opposite the gas station "GazpromNeft", porch of burgundy color. Entrance to the parking lot from the side of F. Engels street (on the left around the corner, if you look at the porch). At the entrance, inform that you are going to ENERGAS.